✌️ Its me
Hello, I'm Brad Harris. I help build products with software and love the web ❤️. I live in Castle Rock, Colorado and stay busy enjoying life with my family.

I most recently worked at Slack, focusing on frontend product development and the developer platform. I helped lead the frontend development of the Workflow Builder tool in Slack, and previously worked on the future version of the platform for developers, which is full of fun challenges, like the Deno runtime for Slack Functions.
I joined Slack when they acquired the workflow product we were building at Robots & Pencils called Missions. Before that, we were building a bot-hosting platform called BeepBoop, which ultimately pivoted into the Missions product. Both of those were incredibly fun products to help shape and build with an amazing team to work alongside. I was the primary frontend developer on both of those products, but got to wear a lot of hats, and did a fair amount of full stack development as well.
Prior to that I worked at Yahoo! doing frontend development on a myriad of publishing-related products. I had a short hiautus during my stint at Yahoo!, and met some of my favorite people working at Pearson that I'd end up spending years working with later.
My professional career started several years before that as I focused on frontend development working on a large enterprise J2EE web-based product, and then at the New Mexico Game and Fish. To this day, their online licensing system is still using the same YUI-based frontend components 😅 and PHP backend for the lottery system I helped build (one of the few things I've written that still exists!). At the time, I was the young one, just out of college, and Javascript wasn't something anyone else wanted to deal with. That was the spark that lit the fire 🔥 for me, and I've always stayed close to frontend web development since.