slikcalc 1.1 release

I've just released a new build of slikcalc - javascript calculator library that includes a few small bug fixes, and some shortcuts to the API. The new API for creating calculators looks as follows:

var columnCalc1 = slikcalc.create('column', {
	total: { id: 'cc-1-total' },
	registerListeners: true,
	calcOnLoad: true

as opposed to:

var columnCalc1 = new slikcalc.ColumnCalc({
	total: { id: 'cc-1-total' },
	registerListeners: true,
	calcOnLoad: true

Its a small change, but I think it's easier to use. Of course, the old way will still work, so existing code will not break with the addition to the API. Some other additions include a new, fully commented debug version of the code, along with using YUI compressor for the minified version, which shaved off a few kb from previous versions. Full documentation is also included in the download. Take a look and feel free to comment with any feedback.