First iPhone App - LDS Gems

Update: LDS Gems is no longer on the Apple App Store. was not actively updated for a period of time, but is once again. I don't have plans to put LDS Gems back on the App Store.

After a bit of work, I finally got my first iPhone app on the App store. It's nothing extraordinary, but was a learning experience for the most part. It's called LDS Gems, and is an easier way to manage, read, and share the quotes and stories provided by the LDS church at

I used Titanium Appcelerator to build it, and was really impressed with how much easier it was to develop using Javascript as opposed to Objective-C. This is probably due to having quite a bit more experience with Javascript than the later, but I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone wanting to dive into iPhone App development, but not ready to take on learning Objective-C.